Marquette Warrior: Anti-Christian Bigot, Bill Maher, Sponsored in Milwaukee by American TV

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Anti-Christian Bigot, Bill Maher, Sponsored in Milwaukee by American TV

One does learn interesting things by reading the Shepherd Express. The interesting thing, when I picked up a copy today, was that American TV is sponsoring the appearance of Bill Maher in Milwaukee.

Maher is famous for, among other things, his hatred of Christians.

Maher has said that Christians are “part of a dress-up cult that hates sex and worships magic.”

He facetiously urged that Americans convert to Islam because “We’re a nation enthralled to religious fanatics anyway. Does it really matter which fanatics we’re enthralled to? They’re both filled with moral pieties and codes of conduct nobody follows anyway.”

Maher said the Pope a “used to be a Nazi” and the Catholic church is a “child abusing religious cult.”

And the quotes go on and on:
We are a nation that is unenlightened because of religion . . . I think that religion stops people from thinking. I think it justifies crazies. I think that flying planes in a building was a faith-based initiative. I think religion is a neurological disorder. If you look at it logically, it’s something that was drilled into your head when you were a small child.
Of course, believing what was “drilled into your head when you were a small child” may be better than beliefs you embraced as a teenager because living by a Christian moral code turned out to be rather inconvenient.

But the key point is: Maher is a bigot.

We called a local American TV store and asked for the manager, to see whether we could confirm this (was this some sort of wild advertising error by the Shepherd Express? The American logo appears in two different ads in the paper, one on page 3 and the other on page 9).

The manager said he couldn’t confirm it because he didn’t know who Bill Maher is. He also said he didn’t know what the Shepherd Express is.

We asked for the number of a “corporate flack” and he insisted he did not know what a “flack” is. Corporate headquarters in Madison said that no flacks will be in until Monday.

Maher’s intolerant tirades against religion far exceed anything Don Imus said about the Rutgers Women’s basketball team. Corporate America distanced itself from Imus.

Is it OK to attack Christians? And while we are at it, Muslims too?

In the past, we have bought a few things from American. No more.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

He didn't know who Maher is?? C'mon -- what's he living under a rock?

Well, all Milw. Christians need to stand up and say how insulted and deeply offended they are...

4:47 PM  
Blogger Roland Melnick said...

COME ON...don't you guys see the humor in the fact that a store manager for American didn't know who Bill Maher is? I laughed my ass off when I read that.

Anyway, why would you call a store manager for confirmation on something like this? In an organization the size of American, decisions like this are made at the corporate level.

Again...your headline should read "Bill who?" I know you are making a serious point here, and I agree with your criticism of Maher. But demonstrating his actual lack of widespread appeal in that call to the manager dictates the appropriate response here. The bigger deal you make out of Maher, the bigger deal he becomes.

9:12 PM  
Blogger krshorewood said...

Yeah John. Christianity needs about as much protection in this country as the Pentagon.

Maybe if there were fewer hypoChristians Maher would have less to talk about.

8:25 PM  
Blogger John McAdams said...

kr shorewood,

(Sounds like the sort of place you would live.)

So hate speech is OK if it is directed against a group you think "doesn't need protection," eh?

Would you feel differently if it was directed against homosexuals?

Against blacks?

Some of us don't accept politically correct double standards.

9:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you say you "don't accept politcally correct double standards". does this mean that you now accept the tactics and arguments of political correctness--as long as they are applied evenly and equitably?

8:52 AM  
Blogger Amy said...

Maybe if there were fewer hypoChristians Maher would have less to talk about.

Yeah, justify his bigotry. That reveals more about your character than it does to defend Maher's behavior.

11:06 AM  
Blogger StarrFaithfull said...

With which part of Maher's statement do you take issue as slanderous? Dress-up cult? Practices magic? Or hates sex?

2:18 PM  
Blogger John McAdams said...

With which part of Maher's statement do you take issue as slanderous? Dress-up cult? Practices magic? Or hates sex?

All of the above.

And it reveals a lot about you that you have no objection to any of them.

2:27 PM  
Blogger John McAdams said...

Anonymous said...
you say you "don't accept politcally correct double standards". does this mean that you now accept the tactics and arguments of political correctness--as long as they are applied evenly and equitably?

It means that if you lefties changed the rules (and you have) we Christians get to play by the new rules that you created.

But you want us politically incorrect people at a permanent disadvantage, don't you?

Kind of embarrassing when it backfires on you, isn't it?

9:31 PM  
Blogger krshorewood said...

Did I just detect hate speech against Shorewood?

Boy the skins are so thin here that some of you resemble those great educational toys the visible man/visible woman.

Bill Maher is an observational comedian. You take it or leave it. For that matter he is hard on all religion.

Unlike your buddies Hagee, Robertson, et al Maher advocates action against anybody. Viva la difference.

As much as hate speech against any group is objectionable, we mainstreamers like to focus on that aimed at oppressed minorities as we don't have time to deal with everybody, and as many of us who are people of faith (and some who aren't) feel that the oppressed need our help first.

So Amy, you're OK that so-called believers don't practice what they preach? You go girl!

9:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So essentially your argument amounts to "they started it" and "they do it so we can too." That didn't work in third grade, and it certainly doesn't work when talking about the restriction of free speech rights.

10:03 AM  
Blogger John McAdams said...

As much as hate speech against any group is objectionable, we mainstreamers like to focus on that aimed at oppressed minorities as we don't have time to deal with everybody, and as many of us who are people of faith (and some who aren't) feel that the oppressed need our help first.

Translation: We have a double standard.

Some groups we like (blacks, homosexuals), and don't you dare say anything against them.

Some groups we don't like (whites, Christians) and it's open season on them.

Your concern for politically correct victim groups has no moral legitimacy if you aren't willing to protect all groups equally.

2:52 PM  
Blogger John McAdams said...

So essentially your argument amounts to "they started it" and "they do it so we can too." That didn't work in third grade, and it certainly doesn't work when talking about the restriction of free speech rights.

First, you are begging the quesion of "free speech rights."

People have a right to speak without being disrupted.

People don't have any right to have a corporation sponsor them.

Further, you leftists have changed the rules in your favor. You feel free to claim a grievance whenever you hear something you don't like.

And you try to shut it up.

But you are claiming that we conservatives don't have the right to play by the same rules.

This is what is know as a "prisoners dilemma." It's not a good situation. But conservatives would be stupid to let you leftists get away with it with impunity.

2:56 PM  

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